
Valdemar E. Abraham

Sunrise: May 26, 1928

Sunset: February 6, 2020

Valdemar E. Abraham passed away on February 6, 2020.

Wake Service Friday, February 21, 2020 6:00pm - 8:00pm Metropolitan Funeral Service 5605 Portsmouth Boulevard Portsmouth, VA 23701 Memorial Service Saturday, February 22, 2020 2:00pm Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 2820 Galberry Road Chesapeake, VA 23323

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  1. reply
    Patricia Valentine says

    So sorry for lost. Will keep your family in prayer.

  2. reply
    Judith D Bennett says

    Uncle Wally you will be missed, but forever remain in my spirit. You were truly a remarkable man, always giving of yourself before your own needs. It was truly a delight to see you and your sister, Constance (my mom) together on her birthday holding hands as if you didn’t want to let go. Just the smile on both of you and mom faces was pure love. Uncle Wally rest in eternal peace until we all meet again.
    Your loving niece, Judith

    • reply
      Winston Smith says

      Condolences go out to the family. May God help you through this rough and difficult time on the passing of your beloved father.
      From Winston Smith and Family

  3. reply
    JC says

    My Dearest Uncle Wally:

    I will never forget the first time that I met you, as a little girl. Granny was so excited and getting everything prepared for your long awaited visit to STT. When I finally met you, I quickly realized what all the excitement was about.

    Uncle Wally’s Spirit is captivating, exuberant, and most of all sincere. From the moment I met him on that trip, I never wanted to leave his side, and didn’t. Everywhere he went, I went with him, to visit friends and other relatives. The essence of who is, anchored me to his presence, which filled every space that he occupied, with utter goodness, warmth, and a sense of safety and security.

    Seeing him again this past January 2020, took me back 39 years, to that little girl… Time and distance did not diminish my impression or love for this Great Man; at first being in awe of his presence; then a fullness of joy to see him; then complete gratefulness for his life, legacy, and love, that so many of us were blessed to have experienced. Time didn’t change his spirit, he was still the strony, smart, quick, witty, cheeky, and warm Uncle Wally!

    God saw it fit to grant us with the example of a Warrior and Strong Tower for a season. His presence in this life will be missed, but we will see him again!

    “Significance is beyond success because it is spiritual.”—Zig Ziglar

  4. reply
    Dawn Dawson-Freeman says

    Mrs. Abraham and Family my sincere Condolences sending healing Prayers and comforting hugs.

    To my Mother’s Children Dale, Delois and Denice and their Siblings the loss of a Father is an unmeasurable loss. Growing up in St Thomas I remembered his picture in my Grandmother’s house in Savan I knew he was a man of importance. A few years ago I finally got to meet him at my Nephew Anthony’s wedding in Chicago. To see him he was in awe of his other daughters who were there Delois, Denice and Olivine.
    May the Faithful departed rest in Eternal peace let light perpetual shine upon him.

    Dawn Dawson-Freeman, Tallahassee Florida

  5. reply
    Crystal Brown says

    To The Abraham Family, our sincere condolences.
    Uncle Wally you will truly be missed, but God saw you getting tired, he wrapped his arms around you and whispered, come home to me son. No more suffering, time to rest. Heaven must be Beautiful because he only takes The Best.
    RIP Uncle Wally
    Love The Brown Family
    Brownie Jr., Crystal, Brianna & Chantell

  6. reply
    Monique Douté Ferrell says

    Uncle Wally,

    You left an indelible mark on my heart and I’m not sure that you even knew that. I always admired your sharp military presence in your uniform…no wonder I married a military man! (smile)

    I will never forget when you and your family picked me up at the Norfolk International Airport in August of 1981, let me spend a few days with you all as I did all my shopping for my college journey at Hampton Institute, and then stood with me in those long lines to get me registered and settled into my Freshman dormitory. You were always there for me if I wanted a little get away for a weekend and home cooked meal. I was so thrilled when you visited my home just a few weeks ago in January for Aunt Connie’s birthday and you spent the night here, that was just a tiny way of sharing the love with you that you shared with me all those years ago.

    We will miss you Uncle Wally but I know that we will be reunited one day. Rest in Eternal Paradise.

    To the family, we have each of you lifted up in prayer during this difficult season. May the warm memories you have with your wonderful husband, father and grandfather bring you peace and comfort.

    Monique Douté Ferrell (Great Niece)

  7. reply
    Winston Smith says

    Condolences go out to the family. May God help you through this rough and difficult time on the passing of your beloved father.
    From Winston Smith and Family

  8. reply
    Catherine Melott says

    My heartfelt condolences to you Cheryl and your family.
    I had the privilege to get to know him before his passing.
    Just a sweet, sweet man, wish I knew him when he was
    well. He always was so sweet to me and treated me like a daughter.
    I will miss him.
    May God give you peace and joy during this season of sadness.
    Love you all very much.

  9. reply
    APerry says

    My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. APerry

  10. reply
    Dorothy A Lockhart says

    I will miss you dearly. Your death has brought much sorrow. But, I am so happy that we had that last little chat, where you were still assuring me – your “baby sister” – that you were there if I needed you. My brother, the almighty saw your suffering and knew that it was time that death be swallowed up in victory. Heavenly Father, help me not mourn like those who have no hope.
    Strengthen me in this time of loss and keep me mindful that all things work together for those who love the Lord; and so it is in death. For, it is written that the corruptible must put on incorruption, and the mortal must put on immortality; and You promise that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
    Therefore, I take solace, as a Christian in these promises; and, Wally, although I experience grief at your passing into eternity, I pray that God strengthens me and keeps me mindful that we shall meet over yonder in the new Jerusalem. For His promises are from everlasting to everlasting; and they do not return void.

    Farewell my brother,
    Dorothy A. Lockhart
    (“baby sister”)

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  12. reply
    Cee David says

    I would like to offer sincere condolences to the family of
    Mr Valdemar Abraham
    no doubt he will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved
    may you seek comfort from the God (Psalms 83:18) of all comfort
    (Revelation 21:4) READS : ” And he will wipe out every tear from
    their eyes ,and death will be no more , neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore
    The former things have passed away ”
    this Scripture helps us to see that everything that’s causing pain and suffering will soon be eradicated forever including the last enemy ,death
    and mankind will enjoy living in a paradise right here on earth …..

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