
Michael Conway Hassell

Sunrise: December 10, 1958

Sunset: September 7, 2024
Viewing: Thursday, September 19, 2024 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Metropolitan Funeral Service 120 West Berkley Avenue Norfolk, Virginia Celebration of Life: Friday, September 20, 2024 12 Noon Metropolitan Funeral Service 120 West Berkley Avenue Norfolk, Virginia Laid to Rest: Albert G. Horton Veterans Cemetery 5310 Milners Road Suffolk, Virginia

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  1. reply
    Christopher Gray says

    R.l.H city coworker from the Gray family

    • reply
      Gina B says

      I extend my deepest condolences to the family. May you all hold tightly to your memories and thoughts of dear Michael as you walk through this season of grief. When your heart gets heavy pour out your tears and then hold on to the unchanging hands of Jesus and he will give you strength to go forward.
      Peace and Blessings.

      • reply
        Chris Jenkins says

        Thank you God for giving me the opportunity to have a great friendship and a wonderful coworker in my life. Standing in with an intercessory prayer for the family, for comforting, healing and peace. Continuing to cover you all in my prayers.

  2. reply
    Chris Carter says

    RIP my brother

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