
Messiah Amir Vines

Sunrise: January 13, 2024

Sunset: April 2, 2024
Viewing Monday, April 22, 2024 2:00pm - 6:00pm Metropolitan Funeral Service 7246 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 Service COME IN PERSON OR WATCH SERVICE LIVE ONLINE Tuesday, April 23, 2024 11:00am Metropolitan Funeral Service Granby Chapel Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery 8100 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505

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  1. reply
    Vernell Gray says

    To the Family of
    Messiah Amir Vine.
    Hold to God’s unchanging hand. The lord will give you strength in the time of sorrow.
    From Vernell Gray & Family

  2. reply
    Jeana Jordan says

    To the parents and families of baby Messiah Vines my great nephew 💙 my deepest condolences and prayers at our time of bereavement. Lil Messiah will be missed but never forgotten ❤️ he is truly with God and for this we praise God as a family. Earth has no sorrow that heaven can’t heal. Love you Shaggy 😍 all will be well in time. Be blessed and trust God even through our sorrows. He cares.

  3. reply
    Mona says

    To Little Messiah Parents and family! You have my most sincere condolences! May the God pf all knowing give you strength at such a time as this!


  4. reply
    Mona says

    To Little Messiah Parents and family! You have my most sincere condolences! May the God of all knowing give you, All, strength at such a time as this!


  5. reply
    Ms. Mona says

    To Little Messiah Parents and family! You have my most sincere condolences! May the God of all knowing give you, All, strength at such a time as this!


  6. reply
    Ms. Mona says

    To Little Messiah Parents and family! You have my most sincere condolences! May the God of all knowing give you, All, strength at such a time as this!

    Ms. Mona

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