
Martha Annette Boney

Sunrise: May 17, 1938

Sunset: November 7, 2024
Viewing: Friday, November 22, 2024 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Metropolitan Funeral Service 7246 Granby Street Norfolk, Virginia Celebration of Life: Saturday, November 23, 2024 11:00 AM Metropolitan Funeral Service 7246 Granby Street Norfolk, Virginia

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  1. reply
    Sherri V Boney says

    Losing a loved one is an indescribably painful experience, and the loss of my mother-in-law has impacted our lives. Martha holds a unique place in my heart, being a figure of guidance, love, and family bonding. Martha was an incredible person and left a lasting impact on everyone she met. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Martha Boney.
    My Condolences,
    Sherri Vines-Boney

  2. reply
    Ivey Jackson and Family says

    Sending condolences to you and your family asking God to help you all through this time.Love to you all.Martha was a very good friend and I will miss her.

  3. reply
    Carolyn Hurdle Cannon says

    Extending my heartfelt condolence for the loss of your mother. Thank God for the time He allowed you to dwell in her presence, receive and experience her love. IT IS WELL!!!

  4. reply
    Wayne and Darlene Baxter says

    Sending our sincere condolences for the loss of your mother abs grandmother, Ms. Martha. What a wonderful time we always had with her. Thank God and you for giving the opportunity to share in her life.

  5. reply
    Darrell Norman says

    To my friend Darrell n family just keep trusting in the lord and he will see you all thru it.praying for you and your family. The family have my condolences.

  6. reply
    Darrell Boney Jr says

    Love you and miss you 😢

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