The world lost a beloved mother, grandmother, sister, and friend, Ivey Stevenson on September 3, 2024. Ivey passed away from health complications that bravely fought until her last day. Born in Norfolk, Va on August 26, 1936 to the late Earvin Riddick and Lorrine Myrick-Gholson, she was raised and attended school in Norfolk where she graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in 1953. Soon after, she married her childhood sweetheart the late Ralph Stevenson and began her family, giving birth to her son Anthony.
Ivey worked for Westbury Public Schools and Sacred Heart Academy as a bus operator. She later ventured into entrepreneurship; she opened a newspaper stand in the Long Island Railroad. After retiring, she relocated back to Virginia. She started her second business which was a concession stand and flea market in South Norfolk. She was sociable and very outspoken. When you met her that first encounter would be everlasting. She enjoyed listening to music, bowling, and any type of outdoor activities pertaining to her house/yard. She loved her family and spending time with them, especially her grandkids.
Ivey was preceded in death by her husband Ralph Stevenson and her son Anthony Stevenson. She leaves to cherish her memories, sister Vaneeta Williams, granddaughter Trinidy Brennen, grandson Anthony Stevenson, Jr, granddaughter Shakima Stevenson-Henderson; great grandchildren Khalil Brennen, Toyheed Brennen, Tyler Stevenson, Devin Stokes, Shawn Mullen, and Justin Henderson, and several aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, and dear friends.
Ivey’s generous and loving spirit, amazing personality, and contagious smile will be missed.
Bryant Thomas says
September 10, 2024 at 12:20 pmIvey was part of our family and a friend. You could always count on food and fun when in her presence and surely her presence will be missed. To all my family especially Tony and the grand children please know that we are praying for you.