
Daniel’la AmmiYah Belcher

Sunrise: October 13, 1999

Sunset: December 14, 2023

Daniel’la AmmiYah Belcher was born October 13, 1999 at Portsmouth Naval hospital. Daniel’la attended Granby, Elementary school where she learned to play the piano with Norfolk Parks and Recreation. She then learned to play the Viola in the 5th grade and continued to play the piano. She then attended Rosemont International School of Studies, where she continued to play the viola in symphony orchestra. She then attended Granby High School, continuing to play the Viola and participating in Navy ROTC. Daniel’la graduated with a 3.7 GPA. In addition she worked diligently with the Norfolk Area voters’ registration campaign. Daniel’la received two scholarships, one from Phi Beta Sigma Sorority and the other from Dominion Power. She was accepted into North Carolina A&T State University, where she continued her education majoring in communications focusing on public relation. She completed three years and was working on her fourth.

There was no one she met that she could not connect with. She had a unique since of humor with an electric personality. Daniel’la learned to sew and participated in various dance genres. Daniel’la also wrote outstanding poetry. Daniel’la became a resident of Greensboro, NC where she worked at UPS. She really enjoyed living in NC in Greensboro.

She was born and raised in the Refuge Assembly of Yahweh, in Norfolk, VA. Daniel’la leaves behind Daniel (father), Eureka (mother), and Mareka (sister). And a host of Uncles, Aunts, cousins and relatives. Daniel’la passed away of natural causes on December 13, 2023. Daniel’la love life and her presence will truly be missed.

Service COME IN PERSON OR WATCH LIVE ONLINE Thursday, December 21, 2023 1:30pm Metropolitan Funeral Service Berkley Chapel Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery 8100 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505

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  1. reply
    Omar says

    I hope you have your peace ima miss you 🖤🤞🏽

  2. reply
    Lance Brown says

    Yahweh comfort and bless Daniel’la family and friends during this difficult time. Daniel’la was a true example of Yahweh’s great work and a true blessing to everyone that knew her. I send my heartfelt condolences and prayers to the family.

  3. reply
    Nathaniel Quincy Belcher says

    Wishing my Dear Brother, Eureka, Mureka and our family the peace, tranquillity and blessings of acceptance. My deepest condolences and prayers for all.

  4. reply
    Christie Hamlin says

    We are so sorry to hear of the loss of Daniel’la. We remember her so little quoting scripture verses on Sunday mornings. We cannot imagine the pain your family must be going thru right now, but know that Yahweh has it all in control and he is your strength for now and for always. She will never be forgotten.
    We love you and are here for you, Your Richmond Family
    Joe Hamlin
    Christie Hamlin
    Barbara Gaines
    Tiffany Bland and
    Angie Muwakil

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