
Celestine Evon Fisher

Sunrise: April 3, 1951

Sunset: February 23, 2024
Viewing Friday, March 8, 2024 2:00pm - 6:00pm Metropolitan Funeral Service 7246 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 Service COME IN PERSON OR WATCH SERVICE LIVE ONLINE Saturday, March 9, 2024 10:00am Metropolitan Funeral Service Granby Chapel Interment Roosevelt Memorial Park 1101 Campostella Road Chesapeake, VA 23320

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  1. reply
    Bonney and Lucy says

    So Sorry for your loss She was a wonderful person

  2. reply
    Theresa Collick says

    So sorry for your lost. Celes was a beautiful person. May God comfort, encourage and bless each of you.

  3. reply
    Shirann Harris says

    Fish and Family:
    I’m so sorry to hear of Celestine’s passing. Celestine was a very kind and thoughtful person. She will be surely missed, especially her Friendliness and kind hearted personality. I often find comfort in Psalm 23 and always know God is in control.

    • reply
      Lisa Dixon says

      My condolences to the Family our old neighbor who was so sweet, so sorry to hear. Love you all.💕 The Dixon’s 1024 Mission.
      Lisa, Mike, Shannon and Mike Jr.

  4. reply
    Minister Reggie Parker & Family says

    At this hour our prayers and condolences are with the family. May God comfort, strengthen, and unit the Fisher and Collins Family as you all transition moving forward without your love one. Continue to look towards the hills and know that all our help comes from our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. God bless you all.

  5. reply
    Lisa Dixon says

    My condolences to the Family our old neighbor who was so sweet, so sorry to hear. Love you all.💕 The Dixon’s 1024 Mission.
    Lisa, Mike, Shannon and Mike Jr

  6. reply
    Tiara and Linda says

    Our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of Mrs. Celestine. She has always been so kind and sweet to us. We will continue to keep you’ll in prayer. Your Mission Street family.

  7. reply
    Nellie Hinton says

    So sorry for your loss Celestine was a very dear friend to me and she will be truly missed

  8. reply
    Spencer-Outlaw Diane Keejafee Jamal Shontre says

    Family-our prayer-
    Dear Lord,
    You have walked with us in all our yesterdays, guided, and protecting us.
    We pray today that You will strengthen us and calm our sorrows
    Comfort us
    Bring sweet peace
    Healing is a matter of time-memories our medicine
    We watched Our Hero-Celestine-endure and grow stronger-a wiser person. She never allowed fear to consume her- she always knew who she was.
    A remarkable person who we are so proud to have known
    Forever in our hearts
    Loved always
    Psalm 30:5
    Weeping may endure for a night…

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